

The mission of the Christian Adoptions Alliance and the Adoption Advocate certification program is to promote adoption from a Biblical and Christian perspective.

The mission is evangelism with the expectation of helping babies and children grow up in Christian homes where they know their savior Jesus.



We envision the body of Christ, including pregnancy centers, churches, adoption agencies, and Christian families, aligning together to foster Biblically based adoptions.

We envision a world where because of the Christian ministry of adoption, children adopted in a Christian home become - adopted twice.


Certification Process

Deliver options counseling with the purpose.



Complete the registration process including a review and agreement with the statements of belief.


Complete the Course

The course may be completed in person through a CAA training or online here. You are welcome to take the course here as well as in person for review.


Take the Exam

Complete the test to confirm your understanding of the adoption education content.


Download Certificate

Upon successful completion of the exam, you will be invited to download your Adoption Advocate certificate. Your certification ID will be included with the certificate.


Continuing Education

Each Adoption Advocate needs to collect 15 CEUs over a two year period to keep your certification current.

Certification FAQ’s

Deliver options counseling with the purpose.

Getting CEUs

Most CEUs are accessible for free here on the site or through trainings offered by our vetted Adoption Agencies

Dual Credit

Your adoption CEUs obtained through CAA are also valid as CEUs for your Life Affirming Specialist certification.

Option Counselling Expertise

Your certification elevates your adoption education expertise balancing out your options counseling.

Biblically-Based Adoption

Your certification reflects your commitment to Biblically-based adoption education and counseling.

Learn with passion to live with purpose.

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Cras tristique turpis justo, eu consequat sem adipiscing ut. Donec posuere bibendum metus.

Tony Nguyen, Co-Founder

Meet Our Team

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Owen Christ
After working as a software developer and...
Namrata Parmar
I came to Eduma ten years ago
George Clinton
After working as a software developer and...
George Richards
After working as a software developer and...
Betty Milner
After working as a software developer and...

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